6281 The Old Limerick Journal
Number 42. Winter 2006 €10.00
Coolfin Books
Bridge Street
Co. Waterford Close

Know ye not that Lovely River [poem] by Gerald Griffin 2
The Shamrock League by Des Ryan 3
Luke and Edward Hartigan - Casualties of World War One by Alan Johnson 6
Bedford Row Lying-in Hospital 1812-1975 by Terry Forristal 13
The Design of Glenstal Castle 1836-1861 by Marion D. McGarry 20
Some Memories of Bishop Graves by Gerald O'Carroll 24
Opposition to the Payment of Tithes in West Limerick 1821-1838 by Gerard Curtin 26
How Queen Victoria's Death was received in Limerick by Denis O'Shaughnessy 29
St. Mary's All-Ireland Fife and Drum Band, Limerick by Patrick J. McNamara 31
RIC Consolidation in Limerick 1919-1921 by Tom Toomey 33
Memories of 1930s Dublin by Tadhg Murphy 36
Eleanor McGhie by Sharon Clancy 38
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